That Was A Joke

[m]y "piece". yes, that was a stupid joke.
So I took these pics while my G/F was asleep and showed them to her saying that I
That was a joke, Shepard.
[F] I'm not a man that wants for much so after saying I literally want nothing for
I had hoped that this was a joke but after similar pictures on here, this just makes
[LE] i was making my rounds on [the internet] winning debates against fundies (i
Told this guy I liked the joke on his grindr profile and that he was really gorgeous.
[Spoilers SSM #31] I'm convinced that Superior Spider-Man was done entirely for this
Rape is wrong! Rape is not funny! This is not a joke! It was the fucking captcha
Daddy bought me a pillow pet!!! His name is Rufus, I came up with the name as I was
Well THAT joke was a piece of shit.
Jon if he and Danny Devito had a baby that aged 20 years and was Rockington if he
Jokingly took a "hot girl on car" pic that she thought was hot. She wanted
I mean, that was a pretty funny joke.
Was joking around with this animation for a photoshop battle called "This dog
Started to make a lame "love to suck on those" joke, decided that was too
Your bully was a racist asshole who always joked about making your Mom into his black
I just noticed that Frank has 2 paint cans to piss in because he has a 2nd stream.
Staph talk. It's no fucking joke this was my shin 3 weeks ago the day after surgery
She joked that she would never submit to any man, then she found that the yoke was
was gonna make a vein/vain pun but then saw that someone's literally just done that
Reminded me of a girl from high school that would sometimes "joke" about
“Can’t get your ideal girlfriend? Just become one.” Me: Wait... that was a
Joke's on them, that was the sewage truck
(M) Sorry. But in reality you guys did that to yourselves. Yall thought talking about
she said that you could fuck her fat ass right in the kitchen. you thought she was
My wife spent the summer of '95 crashing on a pornographer's couch while she was
Took this when hungover on Sunday. Only pounding that was happening that morning
(m) we can rest knowing they would never have nothing we have and more blessings
My moms house plant (Hoya), was my grandmas, aunts, grandmas again, then hers. It's
The ad said the company needed "Beta Male Beta Testers" for a new technology
I put these on as a joke and told my friend who hasn't seen The Office that I burnt
Seeing the "23" on the birthday cake, John, a nurse in an old people's
In Joker (2019), the scene where Arthur shoots Murray was not in the script. Robert
[Interactive] Recently I stole this device that allows me to put people into new
I was gonna make a 'Feelin on yo booty" joke, but then I remember that R Kelly's
Until now, I thought she was joking, but it's true: my girlfriend really offered
Suddenly I received a snap from a "friend". I thought it was a bad joke,
Made this shirt as a joke, but the first time I wore it to pride I got swamped by
He went to the gay bar for the first time and was approached by a group of guys.
On Friday nights, me and my roommate Jason would get drunk. I started crossdressing
Jared Fogle was guilty and got 16 years He was just grateful for anything under 18.
Whatsup skirt? Haha that was a bad joke. Here's a view to make up for it.
Babylon Bee ""jokes"" that Hitler was right ??‍♂️??‍♂️
Matt Hancock, Health Secretary for the UK, told 67 million people that hugging was