The Good News

you need to do something with that hair sweetie….the good news however is that
The good news - I have a new picture for you.....
My flight was cancelled and the next available one isn't until the 24th. The good
The good news we've all been waiting to hear!
Some o(f) you may have seen this...but the good news is that am BACK ;)
Did you guys hear the good news?
The good news is that the horse is dead, but your mother's pregnant.
Sister Elsie knows how to, um, *dispense* the good news about Christ in the way most
The good news is shes legal.
The Fapmaster spreading the Good News.
Spreading the Good News
The bad news: photo quality. The good news: curves quality.
The good news is she got a raise
Happy Easter everyone! Thought I'd share the good news that I just got engaged to
The bad news: you're being audited. The good news: you're being audited by her.
[SPOILER]The good news is that I found the lost set of Power Armor I'd been looking
The "good" news, MD gents, is YOU CAN become a superior Man. All u need
[SPOILERS] Nerdist released Deadpool review ahead of embargo by accident. I screencapped
The good news is we can own blacks again soon.
THE_DONALD LIED TO ME. You guys said that /r/S4P were being honest about the election
The good news is your not in trouble...
Getting the good news
Freshly castrated... the good news is I look bigger
Well the good news is she won't have to deal with those pathetic men who "pretend"
The good news is long-term survivability is great nowadays
Drinking to all the good news today.
The good news is, your device works. The bad news is, we’re going to be late to
[M/S] “The good news, Bob, is that your wife’s condition is probably temporary.
Abby Lee Brazil makes me want to preach the good news
the bad news is that I had to go home early with a migraine, the good news is that
The good news was the bad news
Did you hear the good news? It's Nutvember! Let's all celebrate this Happy occasion!
The good news is work is over. The bad new is I’m still really horny
Trump Finally Heard the Good News
Dropped wife off for her first date, got this text in the checkout line five minutes
Why hello Boston! In case you didn’t know the good news about my ass...
The bad news is, my mom and sister take the longest showers. The good news is, I'm
The good news is that she loves you. The bad news is that she loves your dads cock.
It’s difficult recording with the back camera... but the good news is: slow-mo
Woman is shocked that her player boyfriend displayed her nudes on a wall of women
When I am at my absolute hardest, I struggle to fit into a hole that has a 6 inch
Tell them all the good news
So tonight my beloved Patriots look awful, right after my next husband Tom Brady
The bad news is you’ll never have a chance with a dream girl like Me. The good
Good news and bad news to you fans of those sisters earlier, the debt amount was
The bad news is that you missed my reduced rate subscription. The good news is that