This Is Just Sick

Hey Guys, that now famous creepy epic birthday 
dog picture was photoshopped, here
This just came out of my sinuses. I've been sick for a week but the doctor said there
So, I just [f]ound out why there's a cake by my username. I'm sick, so this is the
I feel sick. I knew the risks going into it, but this is just so graphic. Doesn't
Sick of tired of this [f]riend of mine pretending he’s a nice guy when he’s only
Had a guy send me her nudes, social media and more. He took creepshots of her, is
Had a guy send me her nudes, social media and more. He took this shot of her, is
This is getting kind of addicting!? Hope you're not sick of me just yet ? (f)
Having too much (f)un and this is getting kind of addicting!? Hope you're not sick
I was sick of working everyday at my dead end job and having no time for fun. I wished
And you know something else, Daddy? This sissy is just so sick and tired of wearing
Am I sick or is life just this lame sn'a\p-givingode