To Read Or Not To Read

The Best is Yet to Come (Read that as the song title, not a pun...? Or do. If you
For all the "I've got nothing to hide" people: If you let the NSA read
I felt like reading about other users using or not being able to find would help
Read my typing: today feminism is saying consent is not enough. Tomorrow feminism
Whatever you hear or read today, try not to learn anything about Hillary Hitler Clinton.
Found this charmer on Fetlife. I clearly state in my profile that I am in a relationship
Time to read a book..or not
PSA: Just because I'm naked doesn't mean I want to see your dick or read your essay
Curiously and eagerly awaiting to read your comments/pms for (F)urther encouragement
It's up in the air whether or not to read the instructions [46]
Would you do it!? Read her shirt! Now would you do it!? Think about your ugly ass