Toilet Roll Test

How about an all verified-only-[M]ales showcase of the toilet roll test? Come on
Toilet paper roll test
Toilet Roll test. I failed miserably
You've heard of the toilet roll test. Here's the kitchen roll test
You've heard of the toilet roll test. Here's the kitchen roll test
I think its fair to say my cock passes the toilet roll test
Figured I'd do the toilet roll test...uh oh...
Today I learned about the toilet roll test
Toilet paper roll test, did I pass?
First post here: toilet-roll test, how am I? PMs welcome, I'm bi.
I failed the toilet roll test really easily, but my girlfriend has always said I
I think I failed the toilet roll test...
Toilet Paper Roll Test - Did Pretty Well I Think
Does he pass or fail the toilet roll test?
toilet roll test
The toilet roll test ;)
My own attempt at the toilet roll test
My own attempt at the toilet roll test
Toilet Roll Test
Toilet paper roll test for the large. Any takers?
toilet roll test fail maybe?
Toilet paper roll test was...inconclusive
Toilet paper roll test was...inconclusive at best
Toilet paper roll test - 6" Edition. I wonder if I passed.
Toilet roll test with flaccid cock(8.5"x6.5" hard)
I think I pass the toilet roll test, what do you think? PM's welcome!
Decided to see if I am close to average girth with the notorious "toilet roll
Here’s a toilet roll test picture for all you redditors
Toilet paper roll test
Toilet Paper Roll Test
Toilet paper roll test.
Toilet Paper roll test
Toilet paper roll test
Toilet paper roll test ?
Is this considered failing or passing the toilet roll test?
Toilet paper roll test... I just barely passed it, right?
Toilet Paper Roll Test
Toilet roll test
Finally took the toilet roll test and the toilet roll won! Even erect I easily fit
Do I Pass the toilet roll test?
Toilet paper roll test results, do I make the cut?
toilet paper roll test and hood on
Toilet paper roll tests are for the birds
Toilet paper roll tests are for the birds
Toilet paper roll tests are for the birds
Toilet paper roll tests are for the birds