Very Valid

well, she has a very valid point!
That is a very valid question.
My hair and make-up aren't very dark like the others here... but I do love metal,
I need veri[f]ication and validation: some pics my bf didn't care for
28/f... 40DD...I've had one child and breastfed... I post on other subreddits for
28/f... 40DD...I've had one child and breastfed... I post on other subreddits for
Veri[f]ication. Noun. The process of establishing the truth, accuracy, or validity
That time I got lei'd, or a vacation veri[f]ication for validation of vaj
Everyone who comments to this post is gay and a furry. Also everyone reading this
As my boobs get more love than my ass and you seem to prefer gifs to pics. May I