Vore Pred

Something something feraligatr [Soft vore] [pokemon pred] [humanoid prey] [non-fatal]
[Anal vore] [Feral pred] [F/M] something arcanine clever title I don't know.
Snake-Like Creature Vore by Yoikuma [F] [Snake/Worm Pred] [Human Prey] [Soft Vore]
My favourite vore picture of all time. [Unwilling] [Oral] [F/m] [Dragon prey] [Sergal
"15K + 5K Celebration Vore!" [furry][oral][female pred][multiple prey][endo]
I don't even know anymore [M/MM] [macro/micro][anthro pred/humanoid prey] [soft]
[Soft vore] [Pakkun pred] [? /MF] Pakkuns are dicks
A Party of Sorts~ [Multiple Pred] [Multiple Prey] [Female Pred] [Femaly Prey] [Internal]
(X-post /r/gifs) Baby elephant kicking in mother's womb. It totally reminds me of
Eaten by a lake monster [?/m] [lapras pred][humanoid prey][soft non fatal vore]
Slipping Down~ [Anal Vore] [Dragon Pred] [Size Difference] [Unwilling]
Femboys can be preds too! [M/M][furry][post-vore]
Sadistic [Female Pred] [Female Prey] [Size Difference] [Internal]
Last Chance [Dragon Pred] [Female Prey] [Unwilling] [Maw]
Random Encounters 1 [Pokémon][Soft Vore][Full Tour][Pelipper Pred][Zorua Prey]
Closer Than Lovers [Unbirth] [Female Pred] [Male Prey] [Lamia] [Size Difference]
Bully [Anal Vore] [Female Pred] [Monstergirl] [Unwilling]
I'm doing a Vore YCH! If you have an OC, you can have them either pred/prey!
A Mouthful [Dragon Pred] [POV] [Internal]
Waterslide [Female Pred] [Size Difference] [Giantess] [Willing]
Underleveled [Female Pred] [Size Difference] [Multiple Prey] [Anal Vore] [Oral Vore]
Snugly Stuffed [Female Pred] [Size Difference] [Unwilling]
Dungeon Crawling [Size Difference] [Female Pred] [Female Prey] [Willing] [Multiple
A Humiliating Exit [Anal Vore] [Female Pred] [Female Prey] [Size Difference] [Unwilling]
Shamelessly Ganking [Anal Vore] [Female Pred] [Female Prey] [Same Size] [Unwilling]
Zahara - Queen of Voretexia 8 [?/F][Full Comic in Comments][Multiple Prey/Pred][Unwilling][Guro/Rynoa][Blood][Soft
Caught inside a mermaid pred
Animated: Heart of Darkness Vore Tribute Free Sample (?/Demon Pred) (F/Human Prey)
Animated: Sleep Cursed Sorceress Devoured By TRex Free Vid (?/Rept Pred) (F/Human
Scarfing down....A pixel animation by Retrobelly [M/M] [Goat Pred] [Human Prey] [Soft
Vaporeon Noms~ by me [OC/Original Content] [Willing] [Oral/Soft vore] [Endosoma/
Successful catch~ by me [OC/Original Content] [Plant Vore] [Plant Pred] [Unknown
A very filled gut! [M/?] [Digestion] [smaller pred]
Guess he was hungry! [Digestion] [M/?] [Femboy Pred]
Demon food. [M/M] [digestion] [teasing] [femboy pred.]
Somebody requested more femboy CV! [Cock vore] [Femboy pred] [M/?]
One night gurgle! [M/M] [digestion] [weight gain] [femboy pred]
Boy guts! [MMM/FFF] [Femboy Pred]
That feeling when you're a fucking bitch. [M/?] [Belching] [digestion] [femboy pred]
YandereDev Digestion Speedrun (Any %)[F/M][Dragoness Pred][High Art]
Slime boy! (M/F) (Femboy Pred) (absorption? Oral vore?)
Linkkkk (M/M) (Gooey digestion) (femboy Pred)
Why is Link such a good fucking pred. (m/?) (Digestion) (oral vore) (femboy Pred?)
Full demon (M/?) (Femboy Pred) (demon pred)
They chilling (MM/??) (Femboy preds) (digestion)
New story pic combo! Pic from touch of snow on FA sotry by me, triviumchimaira on
Peeping Toms & Just Desserts (same size vore, belly expansion, oral vore,