Vote Bernie

I'll be voting for Bernie "Dank Memes" Sanders!
TIL When asked if he would vote for Bernie Sanders, the Kool-Aid Man responded "OH,
Voting for bernie. AMA. Have you guys heard of Bernie Sanders??????!!!!!!! Check
Jennier Lawrence " which one of you would like to vote Bernie sanders for me
Lifehack: If you have a hard time with the ladies (and dudes) all you need to do
Quick! After Applebee's banned Bernie Sanders and John Cena at all locations, they
My dad. a disabled Applebee manager who has religiously voted Applebee all his life,
Bernie Sanders confirms: "A vote for me will bring good bones and calcium to
More people need to vote for Bernie Sanders.
When I heard CNN (owned by Warner Bros who is one of the biggest contributors to
TIL that Bernie "Skeltal Minion" Cena once HERE IS A PICTURE OF MINION
Why you should vote for Bernie Sanders
The minion is crying because it didn't vote for Bernie
My autistic transgender girlfriend who's an atheist, votes for Bernie Sanders too!
A kid I went to highschool with is voting for Bernie Sanders and shot Donald Turmp
How I feel voting for Bernie
TIL Scientists engineered mosquitoes to vote for Bernie Sanders.
TIL: It is illegal for pet stores in Beverly Hills to sell dogs and cats that have
Le Bernie getting the black vote
Luis says, "vote for bernie" (nsfw)
YUGE line of Bernie supports for early voting today!
Reddit's support for Bernie Sanders is ironic (nsfw). Should I vote/support him?
Apparently, this is how people at /r/The_Donald think like, using a massive tragedy
How I look at Bernie when he says prisoners have the right to vote
Vote Bernie Sanders
Me voting for Bernie Sanders in 2016, sorry it's in black and white I put a dumb
If you happen to live in Iowa, please vote Bernie tomorrow...
Make sure to go out tomorrow to vote for Bernie
Titty Tuesday? More like Super Tuesday! Bernie didn't win in my state but I was happy
Voting (f)or Bernie today got me so excited ❤️?
Time for AOC to shut up, get naked, and spread her legs for Bernie votes.
Hey Bernie, maybe if you didn't stream so much your supporters would get off their
We don't deserve him but, he is our best most honest choice. Vote Bernie!
Vote for BERNIE no matter what!