Vote Trump

This post will have you voting for Donald Trump in no time!! Number 69 will have
She's 100% Mexican and I'm still voting for Donald Trump
The "I'm not voting for Trump" Starter Pack
Anti-Trump group is sending semi-nude photos of Melania to Mormon voters in Utah
Donald Trump. If you vote this up, it will show up on Google Images when people Google
Why I'm voting for Trump...
This rump is gonna vote for Trump.
TIL children born deaf still vote for Donalf Trump, which signals battlefield 1 will
Apparently, this is how people at /r/The_Donald think like, using a massive tragedy
Historic voting by Senate on women eligible for military draft today. I'll bet someone
Social experiment (in Atlanta): I'm voting for TRUMP... but am open to be persuaded
I convinced my Hispanic girlfriend to vote for Trump and I can tell she's really
she changed her vote after Trumps tape made her wet
Don't vote for this dick: Dongald Trump
Hi CTR slaves! I voted for Reagan, then suffered through two terms of the Clintons.
FWD: Reason 10,000 to vote TRUMP!!!
Make sure you vote! Slap my left cheek for trump, right cheek (f)or hilliary
Asian immigrant, couldn't speak a lick of English when I got here 10 years ago, I
When you can't vote for Hillary or Trump, vote Not Sure
she voted for Trump [m][f]
And I voted for Trump too!
This is what every day feels like as an American who did not vote for Trump
Daily reminder that white women with self respect will always choose successful white
When you fetish for brown skin women and your parents cock block you by voting Trump.....
Liberals assume I hate Trump because of the color of my skin. They couldn't be more
Marry a condescending, uptown, mulatto, valley girl who finally showed her final
This is how Trump can win the r/gayyoungold vote in 2020
Melania Trump Securing The Evangelical Vote
Trump stumpin' for votes - 100 at a time.
I am black, vote Trump and dream of being a slave to a white family
When someone asks me if they should vote Trump or Biden
The Only Trump I Would Vote For!
ME: I am NOT voting for Trump! HER:
When Trump says MAGA this is what he wants to bring back. That's why I'm voting Trump
Holland for TRUMP! HIGH ENERGY! Keep Trump in the White House! Vote Trump!
It's Election Day??️ VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! (for Biden, fuck Trump)❤️?️?️
Today's the big day! We voted, did you??
It's election day so you get two posts! Get out and VOTE!!!
Everything about Trump is fake and pathetic, vote Bunker Bitch out
Dona Trump and Joan Biden. Who got your vote?
This liberal Latina hated the fact I voted for Trump, but that didn't stop her from
Mandy is Pipped at the Post by just 1 vote. 1 vote is all it takes though and here