What A Gem

What should I name this gem? {f}
Found this gem. What a face and body!
A customer left this gem of a love letter for a buddy of mine who is a server at
My wife visited the rare books section of her university last night and found this
Found this gem at my local Staples. I asked /b/ what to do. They said, "Put...
Oh... What a gem!
Just played this gem...oh Hannah what will you do next?
What a gem.
So, I taught sex education today to a group of 10 and 11 year old boys and asked
So, I taught sex education today to a group of 10 and 11 year old boys and asked
So. This is what a gem looks like when forming...
Gems and champagne, what more could you ask for?
What gems does Garnet have bubbled? [spoiler]
Made it all day at work with my new gem so what do y'all think
For those wondering what a reddit meetup looks like, let's not forget this gem.
My GF thinks it's funny to send me pics at work so I can't focus, Decided to share
I drew my interpretation of the turquoise gem in the monster (uncorrupted). What
What a gem (f)
Sent to me 3 years ago, what a gem
What are the gems in this set?
What a gem!
What a gem
Stuck Together has some Gem-speak in it, and we know what it means! kinda!
What do you guys think of this gem?
What do you think of my gem plug? [f]
Anybody forgot about this forgotten gem of a game? Drop what you're doing and upvote
I forgot to share this gem from the custom shoot I did the other day! Let me know
What a view [C] (Gem-Wolf)
What a gem.
Terrible shot of an excellent angle, I did what I could with this gem from the archives!!
I thought I saw a post about collecting gems earlier... Just wanted to say "Yes!
I added little gems when I painted my toes. What do you think?
What a gem!
What A Gem.
What a gem.
What my husband picked [f]or me to wear tonight??But Reddit will not see the gorgeous
What's the name of the purple gem that symbolizes tranquility?
[Nsfw] What a gem. Thanks facebook.
What A Gem
What a gem
Omg what a Gem 19 year old Danni Got Boobs
What a Gem - Sha Rizel
This gem came across my timeline today, friends of friends. What possesses people
Horny (F) Irish Gem Spread...what will you do to me?
So i finished this gem (summertime saga) and milfy city and i wonder if you guys
This gem my fiancé found on Facebook... what?
Weekly Questions Thread #47: What are some TF-centered games (or games where TF occurs
Came across this gem from last year. I have no clue what's happening.
What a gem. Free daily nudes if you register on datekisslover.com and send me screenshot
What a lovely little gem. This post on SkirtnoPanties came from meetlovefast.com.
Facebook delivers yet another gem! A 130k+ on the dash, and only $13k, what a freakin