Who To Block

Who wants to take ice block shots?
Sorry guys, but r/TOMP won't reply, so who's this? The pizza seems to be blocking
(F)or gwscrolling, who seems to think I am fake.  Pardon the face blocking, not quite
This is why I rarely respond to people who try to contact me on Facebook. Asks me
Got cock-blocked at the weekend.... Who wants to finished off the job that never
First post from China (: TY to the special someone who uploaded for me - since everything's
When you want to know who has blocked you.
(F)WB just blocked me, who wants to see me suck dick?
Twitter started blocking every tweet with a link to my site. So tired of constantly
[OC] [NSFW] Sent unsolicited dick pics to girls who blocked me after seeing my face
This is Jenny. She's 31 From Texas. She has a lovely son named Billy who's 13. And
Crush blocked me on Instagram. Who wants to follow her and send me her cutest pics.
You guys might or might not be surprised by this, but I often get private messages