Yes I Read It

Naked Kindle reading under the covers. (yes that is the kindle standby screen, snapped
Yes, I know this isn't nudity, but it's a must have here. I think this every single
[Thanks] watsoned for Waiter Rant! Gonna read it this weekend on the lake! And yes,
More NSFL things, and this time, it's pregnant rollercoasters! Yes, you are reading
Yes, Mom, I read it everyday!
"Yes mine," she said as she read the bondage instruction manual, "you
People say I think with my dick. Yes, but it can also read!
Baby, your fortune came today — via cookie (which I ate, sorry). It reads, “An
Yes, my son took this photo. Wasn't in the mood/too tired to do anything today, so
Cork in mouth yes you read it right 1st time
Yes yes is one of my fave Bukowski poems and I wanted to share it with you but it’s
LF mono source: "Well...", "Thank you for reading this all the way
Currently saying yes to new adventures. Onlyfans Link in comments, read my bio on