A most satisfying victory. Plus they actually gave some back.


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Categories: Frugal


Frugality Tips from Frugal Fox
Our spendthrift cohorts over at Advice Animals have added Frugal Cougar. (NSFW Language)
You can be frugal and romantic.
Spending $20 on this has saved me thousands. My favorite frugal purchase of all time.
Don't throw away your old fleshlight! Repurpose it
DIY Vibrator - slightly NSFW?
Genius frugal cat grows protein on his own head.
NSFL Sickening Fat Cat Queen flaunts her display of wealth on television.
Got a visit from the holiday hawk last night.
Unlimited calories? See ya later virgins!
So I put a sticky trap down and then forgot about it for a few months. I'm terrified
Found this bird carcass on a parking lot
Finally! I've been waiting two months!
I made a candle using two packages of Baby Bell cheese wrappers. Despite the smell