Heisenfuck (Spoilers maybe)


User: [deleted]

Categories: breakingbad


Poor Hank...
What if... Dr. Spaceman from 30 Rock was a character in Breaking Bad S5.
"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
A picture I made. It's amazing how relevant this quote is. (possible spoilers)
The best shot of the series. Literally!
My favorite Mike quote of all time happened last night
This is what happens when 4chan meets BrBa. NSFW.....not safe for anything really.
Possible major spoilers for Season 5 [nsfw]
Look at me!
In Peace (cinemagraph)
America runs on...
What Hank really saw. Spoiler NSFW
(Spoilers) Walter will die at the end of this season.
So when I used the Google visually similar image search, to find a porn scene. I
Reason enough to watch Breaking Bad
So I google image searched Aaron Paul's wife... NSFW
Coincidence or Breaking Bad fans?
Never forget.
So the imdb page for "Ozymandias" has the cast list up...I sense a flashback
Thank you u/suburban_smartass for now making me laugh everytime I look at my phone.
Walt should've heeded his advice... (/spoiler)
Heisenberg got his fingers in everything. Even porn (NSFW)
[SPOILERS] Goodnight sweet prince
Belly of the Beast
The most motivating Walter White poster
In Season 2 Episode 13 "ABQ" Jane's painting has a pink teddy bear in the
Fapping Bad. You say you're team Walt? You're not as team Walt as this guy. [nsfw]
Did anyone else notice Carmen's slip here? [warning-not-nsfw]