4chan battlestation circa 2007 (extremely NSFW)


User: s810

Categories: shittybattlestations, battlestations, WTF


My battle station, gone wild [Slightly NSFW]
Warcraft Station
[NSFW] Hey guys check out my new battlestation (xpost from r/wtf) [NSFW]
This thing still gets used in our office every, single day
Some of the best battlestations I've ever seen.
Age of Empires Supported Fourth Monitor. X-Post from /r/Battlestations
The year 2008
The year 2009
Wireless car died. This is my home office now. Not Safe For Work.
Bath side battle station. Levelin' in the tub! (Not NSFW)
New desk, revamped Battlestation
Googled "4chan battlestations". First hit was this list. It belongs here
Nintendo. Need I to say more?
[PC] Hello guys, I am new here, Does this motherboard makes my case looks too big?
Cable Gore [NSFW]
It works...
My back has been killing me for the past month. I wonder why...
Rate this setup
Wall-to-wall battlestations tend to happen when you live in a studio