Korra and Asami


User: pepsi_next

Categories: AvatarPorn


Asami Tentacle Fuck (Legend of Korra)
Korra gets fucked... by the network.
Korra & Asami in afterglow by curanto (Legend of Korra)
Here, have some Avatar booty (IAHFY) [The Legend of Korra]
Korra and Katara are in a bit of a bind (JP15Comm) [The Legend of Korra; Avatar:
Katara [Avatar]
Katara loving the attention (MrPotatoParty) [Avatar: The Last Airbender]
Azula Sketches (MrPotatoParty)
Azula is completely insane... but would still tap that.
Korra boob job
One of yas asked for appa with katara, here you go you sick fuck
Azula working a cock [The-Dark-Mangaka]
Kataras Sexy Pose (Anaxus) (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Mistress of Puppets [reit]
Ty Lee Facesitting
Asami masturbating to Korra
Korra x Asami (OlchaS)
Korra in Chains [Legend of Korra] (Sunsetriders7)
Azula and Ozai (Anaxus)
Beatiful Toph, pleasuring herself intensifely
An experiment: Character's ages are completely meaningless
Azula (randomboobguy)
Suyin & Korra havin' fun together (Aarokira)
Suki Drumming Up Business Outside the Avatar Boudoir (Sparrow) [Avatar: The Last
Azula at the gloryhole (lewdtendo)
Lin x Kya [AWASOF2]
An edit of Asami I made a while ago