FA at zombie makeup. only used lipsticks & eyeshadows! what's your opinion? cc welcome!


User: [deleted]

Categories: MakeupAddiction


People of the before and after makeup post seemed to like it, so here is my zombie
Another test :) Just fooling around.
Some of my fantasy and scifi character makeups, CCW. (Some may be NSFW)
Practicing for Walking Dead.
I tried a different way of colouring when I was face painting yesterday and I did
Burn Makeup (NFSW, gore)
Zombie Makeup I did using Latex & Toilet Paper.
My zombie makeup! CCW!!
Got my first pair of color contacts, and did a "recently turned zombie"
Entered a Halloween makeup contest at work: Exposed Muscle/Bone [NSFW]
My Halloween costume! Zombie Pirate [NSFW]
Zombie Minnie Mouse - First time spfx
My super simple ombré lip using only a lip tar in NSFW and the naked 2 palette!
(NSFW fake injuries) my take on a broken nose and a few subtle bruises. CCW please
The Joker Makeup - A Progress Story!
I finally got the guts to stop lurking and posted! Here I am as a zombie nurse- sorry
I should have been cleaning the house tonight...but instead I practiced my Halloween
[NSFW] the infection is spreading.. (Re upload)
My friend does "7 Days of Halloween" every year. Here is 2013 and 2014.
Little late (kinda just discovered r/MUA), but here are some scary looks I tried
NSFW speak no evil look inspired by mykie!
Unspecified Arm Wound (details in comments)
You guys liked my Dead Riding Hood. Here's my other Halloween look: Peeled Face Half
[NSFW/SFX] (slight fake gore and blood) Halloween may be over, but I'll never stop
People loved my "The Nun" (Valek) costume this year! I scared a few! ;)