my face broke my fall


User: Maj_DonWest

Categories: Shatter


So three years ago I got into a four wheeler accident. Thought you guys would like
For my first post, here is my finger cut down the middle..
Smashed my finger in a door.  Broke the distal bone
The Scrape from Hell
My Mum's feet after doing a 200 mile trek to raise awareness for the charity RP fighting
Landed face first over my handlebars back in 1980. 15 stitches inside and out, but
Progression of my eye after a car accident (4 pics)
Finger meets belt sander. Ripped the skin right off
10 y.o. brother cut a tendon
Cut my hand with a circular saw, hilarity did not ensue.
My leg after removing the stitches from an oops with a machete.
Boston Marathon bomb victim
Baby brother had an accident at work today
Guy sucker punched me leaving the bar one night. two fractures in my jaw.
Found this one on my Facebook news feed
My little brother managed to do this with his buddies glasses
Was told this 'wake up call' may belong here (story in comments)
I cut my hand sharpening a knife
The story of my stupid broken leg
CT scan of my broken leg from a snow skiing accident
My boyfriend lost a bit of his finger today
Hello hole saw my old friend
Live long and prosper.