So Proud!


User: [deleted]

Categories: autism


Having cured autism, Jenny McCarthy returns to her original profession.
Welp I might as well post it all now, 100+ brony pictures collected from years of
Hambone awareness month
I work in a psychiatric hospital. Today I found this posted in the adolescent autism
Personified 4chan boards (also known as autism)
The walls at my work are decorated mostly by the drawings of a kid with autism. Usually
fuckin diaperfags [NSFW because no workplace wants this autism]
[SERIOUS] Dear internet, My blind sisters cat who has has mild autism, and uses science-based,
[50/50] Man gets beaten to death with an axe NSFW/L | Cheerleader asks a boy with
Anon the waterboy had autism(repost from r/green text)
This kid is so alpha, I think he just cured my autism
Guys I Think My Dog Has Autism.
Meet Julia, our special new Muppet. She has autism.
I have Autism. AMA.
Is this some type of autism?
MRW my dad is telling everyone that those of us with autism are just as intelligent
Apparently, according to this century old book, there's a totally different reason
My little brother has autism. He turned 17 today. I came home from work to this note.
Thanks, I hate life
Butcher @ Work Selfie Not sure if NSFW or not