So you think you've got it on hard mode? This is what I have to deal with at work. (NSFW TRIGGERS, you've been warned)

User: [deleted]

Categories: NoFap


In case you have a boner you cannot get rid off, just take a look at this.
Low level formatting now to keep myself from rescovering... One of my two full 500GB
Keeping this unchecked might help if you're unintentionally scrolling through some
Had an nsfw site opened in another tab, about to click but found this first.
So this on /r/Buddhism I think it applies here too!
Watch me delete my entire porn collection (125 GB)
The nsfw filter really helps!
This may single handedly get me off porn (x-post WTF) slightly nsfw
Named after honey, renowned for it's savagery. Imbued with terror by a thing very
After Accidently Clicking on the "Karma Whore" nsfw link on the front page...
Lonely monkey
This guy...
It's been a long time, I finally did this today.
This tree outside my patio bothers me...
Want this? It costs 90 days.
Mfw seeing news about Kim K doing a nsfw photoshoot for some magazine
This feels so good! I'm so relieved!
This is quite sad to read... pretty sure watching porn has something to do with it.
When I walked into CJA yesterday.
i saw this on r/getmotivated thought it'd help my fellow fapstronauts.
motivation o stop. you can do this! [semi nsfw]
I am utterly disgusted.
Nice bit of motivation I found on r/dankmemes
We all know how it ends. Don't fall for it!
When you're on a long streak