Next month can't come soon enough.


User: glendroid

Categories: DCcomics


[SPOILER] A certain someone shows up in Batman #19.
After seeing the JL#24 cover could not help myself.
Dr. Fate isn't a bad stage name...
[Spoiler]Power Girl's "power girls" aren't exactly natural! [Worlds' Finest
Anyone else noticing Tim getting a bit more love in comics?
Yahtzee! by MaHenBu
[Injustice Year 3 #1] This was unexpected.
Batman: Senpai noticed me! [Superman Unchained #6]
Two best buds across time and space [Multiversity Guidebook #1]
HE'S BACK! [Justice League #39]
[Injustice Year 3 #22] That's...cute?
Major Spoilers - Old habits die hard [Grayson #8 (2015)]
Powerless? [Superman #39]
It's been a long time indeed [Convergence: Justice League of America #1]
[Spoiler] Best friends forever! Batman #40
First of Manapul's "Gods and Men" covers. Can't wait for the rest. [Justice
Have to admit, it'd be pretty cool to visit a Planet Krypton.. [Kingdom Come #1]
I could learn to like this new Lobo [Lobo Annual #1]
Superman is an unknown quantity. (Grayson Annual 2)
A new Lantern is born [Sinestro #17]
Probably the Gnarliest splash panel to ever grace my desktop. [Batman #47]
Eventually, you lose track of your murders [Green Arrow #50]
Just rub it in, Damian, why don't you (Teen Titans 2016 #1)