Kikes exposed after suddenly withdrawing 10k pledge to iPhone fingerprint sensor hack contest. (Red-pill on shylock)


User: bp_blew_up_the_gulf

Categories: Polistan


Welcome to /pol/istan
Progressive Society Free of Hate
Guess this was what really happened after all
Butthurt kikes try to shut down the "Shut It Down" video
Daily reminder that Tumblr SJW-ism has become modern leftism and it's only going
Jobbik May Day Celebration Attendee
Even the Pope of Rome - the religious leader of 1.2 billion Catholics - must bow
The more Muslims a country has the shittier that country becomes
How /pol/ slowly redpills people
Dinner for /pol/
"yes, i'm a guy. i was born a female, but i'm still a guy." Says 14-year-old
/pol/ hijacks the "shut it down, Twitter" petition
A /pol/ack encounters Zyklon Ben on Omegle
Intellectually curious? Enjoy exploration? Fascinated by astronomy? Don't despair,
Gods chosen master race
The UK Labour Party
"Norwegians" celebrate Norway's 200th birthday
RIP Michael Brown - The good boy who didn't do nothing
A German newspaper reports on Ebola-chan
Oy vey, why aren't they shutting down 4chan!?
Expectation of 2010s vs reality
Last instagram post of the man who murdered the two NY police officers
Dear Hitler
Finally, music I can relate to
Jewish Professor takes on 2 points for not writing name big enough
Marxists just want to be your equal
Fuck this guy!
Digging tunnels and terrorism