Accelerator [Raildex]

User: x54dc5zx8

Categories: Melanime


[Spoiler] It never happened [Madoka Magika]
"Sh-Sh-Shhh... Dolls don't talk. A doll sits still and looks pretty."
Continue? [Madoka spoilers]
(Spoiler) We'll be together forever... [Aldnoah.Zero]
[Spoilers] Kaneki suffering (Tokyo Ghoul)
psssht keep your mouth shut.
Oh no, who killed these three poor little girls? [YuruYuri]
Winged Woman [Original]
Surgery Catastrophe [Original]
Bleeding [Original]
Red String of Fate [Original]
immortal [Original]
Banished [Touhou]
"Its all right" She whispered. You were crying too? (Vocaloid)
Kaguya Luna
Sadness And Suicide (Magical Girl Site)
Who cares?
Self Harm (Magical Girl Site/Mahou Shoujo Site)
Beaten [Evangelion]
A drawing I did using watercolors... It's still one of my favourites even though
Even though it isn't actually about self-harm I was inspired by the song 'Unhappy
al dente [Aosora]
"Black Roses laid bare" [Original], by rei_oc
Last Smoke
Tough Girl