The joys of being Imperial


User: gargamak

Categories: shittyTESlore


Fargoth has something to say [Mod Post] [Required Reading] [Muatra]
MK saw /r/shittyteslore. We did it, Reddit!
MFW I find true love. Legalize inter-planar marriage!
You're all filthy Fargoths!
User /u/Qu1nlan just posted his new Morrowind related tattoo (xpost from /r/morrowind)
TIL SchL(ore)ick has an office in the Temple Canton
Hidden messages found in /r/Bretons! [EXCLUSIVE]
Where's Schlick hiding now?
>MFW No Face
Breton Muatras rule supreme
The Argonian heroes who valiantly fought back the Daedra during the Oblivion crisis
By Azura, by Azura, by Azura!
"Show me where he touched you" [NSFArgonia]
TIL That Roleplaying as Talos coming back to life is like taking CHIM up your CHIM
The 36 Rages of Vivec - Sermon 14
Fuck, when did this subreddit become such a circlejerk?
Giant spear!
This is my formal response to all the babies and land lubbers who say that pirate
An AMAZING cosplay of my favourite Oblivion character!
Great Thalmor cosplay. Authentic.
This Orc cosplayer wants to challenge you to a match of masturbation! Loser will
[Rare] This whole time, Trump was just a golden goose cosplaying as a Nord.
MFW I'm enlightened by my own intelligence.
Thanks Mr. Skeltal
20 kalpas into netflix and chim and hes like
/r/shittyteslore is now a TOP SECRET subreddit
New secret lore dump from Hodd Toward confirming how Vivec achieved CHIM [NSFW]
Molag Bal recently got into prank calls