I'm an admin. This is the extent of my admin abuse. I go idle for hours by someones house. It creeps everyone out.


Categories: playrust


Friend got stuck in a staircase as it was being built.
If Rust had Hippos...
On a Battlefield server, we all met up and took it over for 2 hours. Killing any
Fundation triangles are awesome!
(NSFW) after the mona lisa, there was just one more timeless classic to be recreated
Well, I have a little dick now...
Raiders beware!!
Friend drew on my map whilst I slept.
I would like everyone to stop what they are doing and take a moment to appreciate
Never jump naked's with a spear.
[offtopic/nsfw] I might have the smallest pecker in rust...
How you can tell you clan is loved, and respected on the Reddit server.
Graphics settings make one hell of a difference in player model.
Please fix seeing (and even looting) through floors.
WTF happened to my tits?!
I woke to a man fornicating with a beehive...
Came back to my base to find this [NSFW]
Cant take low grade out of miners hat? :(
Homeless man
[PSA] Takes 4 bow headshots to kill a Bucket hat/Bandana Combo
All I've done on Rust is paint...