Portland's all male roller derby team. (NSFW)

User: oregongrown92

Categories: gaybros


Who wants to go to Scotland?! (NSFW?)
I think I may ACTUALLY be in love with the new Sean Cody model "Willis"
Paint him like one of your french girls [x-post /r/Airforce]
I think this fits in here [maybe NSFW]
Screw Bella. [slightly NSFW]
My job seems to have an artistic eye on selecting thier pieces of art.
So he asked for my dick size... I couldn't go wrong now. [NUDITY] [NSFW]
Possibly NSFW: Why do guys in porn always make this face?
I'll just leave this right here
Why having camera in sports locker rooms arn't a great idea (NSFW)
Might have been too late to this 'progress pic' party but hey things happen slowly
Homo say whaaaaat? Seriously Virgina? This vanity plate isn't a bit....too much?
I'm glad I know how to make him happy.
Thought it tasted funny
He is MINE
And the awkward boner award goes to...(nsfw-ish xpost from r/funny)
Not sure if I should go to Underbear Dance (Portland)
These are THE most comfortable undies ever.
Who's excited for Chicago Market Days weekend? (NSFW)
Wanna fuck my red/pink pussy?
Channing Tatum's Appearance in This Is the End. You're welcome...
Gets semi-aroused watching Monster University because of this (NSFW-ish)
I hate it when my lovers aren't hot (x-post r/funny)
Probably why I am still single. (NSFW)
Is It Just Me or Does the Guy Getting Blown Definitely Look Like Joel Osteen?
Here's some leg day motivation for ya'll brought to you by the Canadian Bob-sled
Cute but NSFW at the same time
I don't get it. Hitler hated gays yet things like this went on? NSFW