Being a Brit, I didn't expect to see this on my news feed. I feel violated.


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Categories: TheFacebookDelusion


God has no CELL PHONE...
Mormons: "I was in no way trying to discriminate against people with homosexual
1 out of 4 isn't bad, I guess...
Let's go back to the Sodom & Gomorrah days.
This has gone way too far. No, just... no.
If it gets you by, I guess..
Another anti-"Happy Holidays" post
This has been on my news feed all day. I love how religious people give god credit
this was on my fb today
You need a penis rule. This pastor is on a mission.
Christian Parenting 101: "Yes, I would sacrifice my children to god"
Opened Facebook today and it was filled with this post. Never again.
I thought the one I shared before was bad, but this? I don't honestly have words
Probably the most bizarre religious post I've seen on my feed
How could you even put it inside a Dino??? NSFW
Is there someone at the door?
I have been arguing with this dude from the Nation of Islam on Instagram lately and
I'm not exactly sure why we're supposed to "Amen"?
How christian of you. NSFW
This Child's Got A Cancer.... Help Him Plz.
Bernie Sanders Appreciation Thread
How public figures defend their christianity and gun control... with guns on arms...
He saw the light
I mean how hard is it to type amen.
I just find this disturbing. NSFW
No words for this one.
Her baby died. Give me facebook comments! [NSFW]
(NSFL) Type amen or 7 years bad luck
Holy shit