Eating dumplings in the snow.


User: TruerThanTrue

Categories: IRLG


Hot sweatshirt flash.
"I drawed a kitty."
A Triangle with a Moustache in Space
Toilet Paper Cannon Attack
Heh... Heh heh...
I love inaccurate translations.
A cool comparison of the Tsar bomb to other nukes.
Boobs 4: Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes
I'm not sure what to call this...
Boobs 11: Zipper Hoodie 2
Seriously, I'd like to know what happened to Japanese people to create THIS.
Oh, internet
That one. Striped. Sock.
Oh internet, you say the darndist things.
Motion in the Ocean
Snakes are wicked cool
Please let this be a legitimate picture.
I think I found Comcast's new uniform.
This looks neat.
It irritates me how true this is.
French Maid Nightie
This would make an amazing Desktop!
High Fives to the MAX
Another fantastic picture, forever immortalized on the interwebs.
I may have to do this next time I'm bored.
#hangingouttoplesswithmybestie #selfiethursday
More boobs everyday.
Oh... that's actually really cool and creative.
Dammit Babs. Stop being alluring.