So Daniel Vavra made this (or someone made it for him) yeah....


User: excelsiorlef

Categories: GamerGhazi


Thought this was a pretty good encapsulation of GG
And Gamergate still claims that it isn't a hatemovement
GamerGate's "hacker" hangout /baphomet/ reaches a whole new level of disgusting
Milo's posting history on /baphomet/ (Proof it's Milo's posting history too) (Given
[OT] Ghostbusters announces female cast. Reactions appropriate.
I just finished typing up a comprehensive list of positive changes GamerGate has
Imgur updates nsfw rules. Salty tears, whining over CENSORSHIP ensue.
Reddit admin landoflobsters has informed us that glorifying the murder of children,
Door Kicker's dev's on female character design