Archaeologists excavating a mound in the Filippovka burial ground in the Orenburg region of Russia’s Southern Ural steppes discovered a rare intact burial from the nomadic Persian-speaking Sarmatian people who lived in the area from around 500 B.C. until

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Categories: ArtefactPorn


I wish I knew more about this skull (possible repost) [494X700]
"The Maiden" , 15 year old Incan girl sacrificed 500 years ago [1000x722]
Jamestown skull with sharp cuts. [822x1024]
A foot of a German soldier killed in a French attack in the First World War lying
Mummified remains of the Sidonian King Tabnit ll from approx. 500 BC [2048x1362]
Remains of a woman with a brick stuck between her jaws is evidence, experts say,
6,500 years old skeleton from ancient city of Ur [2560x1520]
Probably gladiators graveyard in York. Two skeletons (one decapitated) from Roman
Burial of a Turkic warrior in the region of East Kazakhstan - 7th century AD [3216x2160]
First known mass grave of Black Death victims in Spain. Mid 14th century [1224x1630]
One of the skeletons (of Sassanid warrior) believed to have died during an ancient
The Egtved Girl is one of the best-known figures from Danish prehistory. She was
Olivier Cromwell's head before its 1960 burial[800x990]
Galileo’s middle finger was removed from his corpse and put in a jar in 1737 [507x570]
Mummy of Egyptian queen and pharaoh Hatshepsut, who died of metastatic bone cancer
Mummy of an 800 year old Crusader, St. Michan's Church, Dublin. Visitors can rub
Elongated skull with a hole drilled into it. It was once hung up for display at the
The skull of Towton 25, a soldier killed in the battle of Towton 29 March 1461. He
North Indian statue of yaksha, recovered from Pompeii. 1st century BCE/CE. [803x1200]
Skeleton of a celtic prince wearing a torc in solid gold weighing 580 grams (1.28
Roman bronze statue showing naked Apollo. Object dated back to II-III century CE.
Excavated burial ground of Christianized Native Americans from the 1500's/1600's
The term 'Secret Museum' or 'Secret Cabinet' (Gabinetto Segreto) principally refers
Mummy found in the pyramid of Merenre I at Saqqara by Gaston Maspero, on display
Photos of the face and left hand of the well-preserved 700-year-old medieval knight
Grave of a 1.78 m tall Gepid buried with a 92 cm long iron sword. Discovered near
Roman grave in Naissus (present Jagodina in south-eastern Serbia) with found body
Roman mosaic showing the three Graces. The object was found in the House of Apollo
The remains of an 8-10 year old child were discovered in Pompeii. The discovery was