Friend took this close up of the mysterious ship in the Sea Of Clouds.

User: JamesALState

Categories: ffxiv


First thing I thought was: I want that hair.
The Egyptian theme in some of these dungeons is great! (enemy spoiler)
[HWLvl57MainQuestSpoil] Looks like Tataru changed a bit ..
[3.0 MSQ] To be fair, I made the same mistake when I met him, too. (minor spoiler)
[Spoiler] Looks like Tataru has a new look :p
TIL Fray is a female DRK
[DRK spoilers] Dropping the hottest mixtape of 2015
[possible spoiler] Something strange I spotted in the sea of clouds..
[Minor MSQ Spoilers, kind of?] Hopefully the first of many allusions...
(Level 59 Story Spoilers) - Potential Foreshadowing?
[Spoilers] This thing in Churning Mists...
[Minor Spoiler] I think I speak for everyone when I say **** this boss-fight
Mention of a future primal we may see. [SPOILERS]
[Side-quest spoiler] I am an Au Ra, and I take offense to this
But Gunu! Can't you see these vegetables are unfit for offering?
The moment the scale of the new zones hit me.
[Minor Spoiler] The welcoming committee
The only thing I hate about Heavensward
[Spoilers] New clipping point in Azys Lla
Spoiler Warning ? It seems the dev team forgot to move some one's character model.
[Possible Spoiler] Even on the back of a Dragon I can't feel manly as a WHM....
My new pal :)
[SPOILER] justffxivthings
(Potential spoilers for A Knight's Calling) Did some fanart while servers were down!
Possible Spoiler? - Found this Allagan-like ship in the background of Churning Mists
Anybody know what this thing is? (Possible Spoilers)
The new final boss of Heavensward
Kefka & Friends :P
[possible minor spoiler] CT and Coil in a nutshell
[3.0 LV58 Spoilers] I think you need to rest a bit more, you seem to have identity