You asked for it.

User: ZuphCud

Categories: AdviceAtheists


Welcome To Sweden
On being a monogamous family-minded atheist...
Jesus - As he really is
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image...."
"Israeli Apartheid Week"? How about Saudi Apartheid Week?
Jesus was a funny guy. Also a liar.
Don't like posts about "God"? Maybe you should pray about them being removed.
All credit goes to r3volved and willxrocks
I don't think I need much of a title for this one.
I never use Condoms
Science vs. Religion - 'nuff said.
Sometimes I wonder why I subject myself to listening to the delusional nonsense that
After hearing Fred Phelps grandson on the radio and being raised in an abusive religious
Inspired by Cake's song: 'Sheep go to Heaven, Goats go to Hell.'
My new bumper/magnet isn't popular in Indiana...
this new fashion in Christian world, I guess?
Let me try this again. Nsfl nsfw
God's plan. (NSFW NSFL gore)
I don't think these guys have seen r/gonewild yet. Idk.
jesus Fucking christ
I don't care what they say about Heaven.
Ewww. NSFW
Pope with his new hat...
Catholic girls know. NSFW
Savage religion
Spot the differences
I'm probably going to the telestial kingdom for this... [NSFW]
[NSFL][Depressing]They say life begins at conception but scripture clearly indicates