Anyone else notice this? (Easter egg / spoiler?)


User: hengenkaosu

Categories: ffxiv


Shantotto - “If you fail to treat her right, she will set your pants alight.”
After 3 long weeks... (Spoiler I think?)
Downed Coil T5 for the First Time Last Night AND got my Scholar Grimoire!
just got a x1440 monitor and took this screenshot after doing T5... pretty!
Spoiler This could be the most foreboding image I have seen in this game
It's amazing how often my Lala's face matches my mood in cutscenes... namely, "I'm
Anima server first: Turn 9 down!
Thanks for the attention to detail, Square Enix. [NSFW]
So happy!
Beware the Void... wait a minute... is this a metaphor?
[SPOILERS] Ultros appearing in the next Hildibrand patch!
Hildibrand is a beautiful woman...
This quest made me uneasy...
Beat Turn 5 last night took a selfie to commemorate it. [Binding Coil Spoiler]
Nice view. (NSFW?)
It still amazes me how good looking the characters in this game can be.
What my static does when we make the T9 graphic a public document. NSFW
They killed my Flying One
[NSFW] /handover abuse
[NSFW] Late Night Eorzea
[NSFW] Very Nsfw, Looks like some of us enjoyed the puffpuff cutscene a bit too much..
FC member offer request, I wasn't disappointed XD [NSFW]
During the 25 hour downtime I got bored and drew this Y'shtola art. Hope you all
Gunslinger class confirmed?
[NSFW] Being sexy and badass.
[Spoiler] Scions partied too hard.
My Wings
muh duty complete ;_;