Fox Spirit [aggro_badger] (Human > Fox; Possess, M)


User: FolfyWolfie

Categories: FurryTF


A Little Extract - woman to deer [Mid-TF] - by Tharakaos
[F] The lost sheep (watsup)
Bigger and Hairier [Kerun] (Sequence, M Human > M Werewolf)
Positive Reinforcement [F Human -> F Dog] - Tharakaos
Game Over! [F Humans -> Various Feral Animals] - soniagreene
Alice, My Deer, You've Changed! [F Human -> F Deer] - Siyah
Fukutsuiwa [F Human -> F Tanuki] - LittleNapoleon
Yoshette [Implied M -> F Yoshi] by guohoho
Good Girl [F Human -> F Dog] - blackshirtboy
The Legend of Korra: Korra Asami Cowed [F Humans -> F Anthro Cow Girls (Implied)]
Broken Down [justinfox] (M Human -> M Coyote; Explicit, Sequence)
犬 [sa_no] (M Human -> M Mightyena; Bust Sequence, Pokemon)
Rebound [ArcticFrigidFrostFox] (M Humans -> Feral Foxes; Safe, Feral, Comic)
Tanuki Tuesday [NogitsuneGabriel] (M/F Humans -> M/F Tanukis; Explicit, Mid-TF)
Suddenly Shark-Girl [ironmane] (M Human -> F Shark; Safe, MTF/TGTF, Comic)
Gator Glasses [M Human -> F Alligator, Lactation] by NaughtyGryph
Goodle [sky3 + Kerun] (Goo, M Human > M Poodle)
Milking it (Cowgirl, multibreast, genderbender, BE)
Appletun TF