Neutralized PKK fighter stripped naked to check for boobie traps

User: em_ef_er

Categories: watchPKKdeaths


Photo from September 1. One of the PKK terrorists who killed a policeman Batman is
Dead PKK fighter in Van
One of the PKK terrorists neutralized in Dargecit went missing from military service.
Cizre is under full control of Turkish Army, here is the last 2 PKK corpses
Killed PKK terrorists in Idil/Sirnak
Another killed PKK terrorist in Idil/Sirnak
Newest killed PKK terrorists in Idil/Sirnak
Last casualties of PKK in Idil, it is under full control of Turkish Army now
Last casualties of PKK in Idil 2
PKK's so-called 'Commander Ciyager' from Turkish Army controlled Sur
2 PKK carrions from Daglica
Tahir Elci's murderer killed in Sur/Diyarbakir
PKK terrorist blown to pieces.
PKK fertilizer on Turkish soil.
Another view of two PKK terrorists killed in Yuksekova in a sniper's scope.
PKK terrorist neutralized in Diyarbakir
PKK terrorist killed by Bora-12 shot from 800 meters
20+ PKK/YPG terrorists hunted down and eliminated while trying to cross the border