*SPOILERS* This is how close the HOH was.


User: SoulVision

Categories: BigBrother


Dan, according to Britney
The most relevant gif tonight
Howard Full Frontal (NSFW)
Mods don't want us spoiling results of who came back but... (SPOILERS even though
(SPOILERS) Post-noms emotional juxtaposition
McCrae exposed himself after leaving the shower.
Reaction to TeamAmerica Vote Winner [Spoiler in Comments]
on the subject of wikipedia vandalism (nsfw)
[spoiler] A certain houseguest today
Cody Calafiore from Big Brother <3
[SPOILERS] The loops from last night
Caleb's New Look (Spoilers)
Is Frankie crying or is it just an awkward shot?
Collection of Brittnee Blair's work as a plus-size model
"I've made a Huge Mistake"
Meg's had a great day today [Post Veto Comp]
If the feeds look like this, something is going on.
_____ might have just saved himself...
[Spoilers] The teams!
[Spoilers] most of the alliances from premiere and night one of feeds
Scott doesn't know what he's missing
The smirk that says ''Final tree after not having done a f'n ting'