Tortoise eats rattlesnake (repost from r/wtf)

User: lifeafterbreakfast

Categories: AnimalGore


This toad lost its guts and eggs..
Chinese man tortures cat to death. R/WTF thought my post was too hardcore and downvoted
Selfie with a dead baby dolphin
My 17 year old cat's pyometra.
There's more than one way to skin (and gut) a cat
Animal Gifs
Unexpected surprise during cat dissection
This snake ate a frog that tore him open. (x-post r/mildyinteresting)
Apparently this is common around Halloween .. found on my way home from work
A deer found on the Scottish hills
Poor Bird
I've named him Steve. He mostly hangs out in the door jamb.
Found this little guy in the backyard, figured he belongs here
Anon tortures rat by mutilating it (Almost medieval like setup)
Dogs being put down
Duckling torture
Rule 4: Doubletrap (NSFL/Gore)
Recently went hunting and killed a boar... Came back a few hours later to check it
Guy eats baby hamster NSFW (x-post r/gore)
Found a sleeping Pokemon
A dead bird I found on the road (Sorry about the potato quality.)