It was supposed to be a warning, not a promise!

User: King_Gilgamesh

Categories: OffensiveSpeech


A Scandinavian woman considers herself to be "racist" because she doesn't
MFW The white man is keeping me down
"Still not asking for it"
Because why not?
oh just SHUT UP
You aren't making me want to start fucking them
Attack of the safe space morons
Canadian prime minister, a pussy crusher.
Black on white VS white on black rape stats
Attention coal burners
A message from r/circklejerk mods.........why thank you!
An SJW whose true opinions are unconcealed
Wrong way Mr. President
Trigger Warning!
Emma Sulkowicz asked to be fucked in the ass and is still butthurt about it
If Judaism is just a religion why are they doing DNA tests in Israel?
His book '200 Years Together' has never been published in the United States because
This Palestinian cartoonist was murdered by Mossad on the streets of London in 1987.
Let's see how well this goes over shall we.
The SJW Reaction to What's Happening in Cologne
Facebook changes emblem of Freedom Kids to that of Hitler Youth
Feminist just went full retard (x-post /r/european)
Feeling the Bern, Yet?
Life in India
Toxic Masculinity
Bernie Sanders Drinking Game!
r/WorldNews at it again
Not Racist, Just Greedy...
This is what sjws and leftists think about East Asians - posted on a college confessions