I will wave this torch around WCGW?

User: lionhearth21

Categories: Whatcouldgowrong


I love how everything suddely goes to hell for this guy [NSFW]
Who would think this is a good idea?
Driving Porsche, WCGW ?
I'm just walking, WCGW?
HMB while I ride this ramp
Cheerleader singing upside down in a car... WCGW?
Nom nom.
While doing a weather segment, Roxana the Russian does jumping jacks in a low cut
[NSFL] Let's light some fireworks on the bed of a pickup truck!
Robbing a gun store
When steroids make your arm explode. Full tale with pics/vids inside. (NSFW)
Let me try some wreckless driving, WCGW?
Climbing a tower, WCGW
WCGR if I let them put fire in my butt while I twerk [NSFW]
Drink way more than you should: What Could Go Wrong
WCGW if I use a handgun to remove a fishing hook from someone’s foot?
But...but, we were just dancing, honey!!
MRW I'm making my way downtown driving fast and I'm home bound staring blankly ahead
How would you wake me up?
The snow looks so soft
Overloading your legs wcgw
WCGW if I light this firecracker on top of my pee pee