Dont Cry Over Spilled Milk


User: KJB10000

Categories: OnePiece


Coloring Request [Image Provided]
Hippie Ace drawn by me [slightly nsfw!!]
(Manga Spoiler) The return of an old meme
Umm.... What? [SPOILERS]
This week's OP chapter in summary (credits to /u/ablackplague)
"The weak don't get to choose how they die"
[spoilers]Im so sorry but, it got me thinking.
Calling it now, Cora is Iva
The Ope-Ope no mi!
[manga spoilers] Last chapter reminded me of something.
[Manga Spoilers] A wise man once said . . .
[781 spoiler] Thug Life Luffy
[Spoiler]? Drawing from one of my favorite scenes in the last chapter
You-know-what in color (not by me)
Translation Quality makes a BIG difference...
This puts things into perspective (Spoiler)
My Ryuunosuke fan art. Tried to copy Kanjuuro's style.
[spoilers] Possible leaked Jack from todays chapter
I feel like these two are gonna have similar back stories(spoilers)
[Chapter 812 spoiler] This can only go one of two ways
I was doing some re-reading and saw this gem, possible foreshadowing?
How I want things to end with Law
[Spoilers] I drew Nami and a certain daughter...
A little Sketch of Monet !
Nami loses her towel