Hitler and Mussolini - Special Friends (1943)


User: [deleted]

Categories: PropagandaPosters


Torture, Abu Ghraib, by Max Ginsburg, 2009 [Painting]
"I choose who I fuck", 2011 - Brazil [Women's Rights, Poster]
publicitate sinceră de la vecinii ucrainieni adaptabilă cu uşurinţă turismului
Iconic election poster, Dutch PSP Pacifist-Socialist Party, 1971 (Ontwapenent means
«USA Peacekeepers vs Russian Invaders» March 2014
"These atrocities: Your fault!" United States propaganda distributed in
Hitler's Victims Become Neo-Hitlerites. Circa 1967, poster highlighting perceived
AIDS is a Mass Murderer. 2009, Modern. German AIDS awareness poster
If you think this looks dangerous, try doing it without a condom (Pi Kappa Phi fraternity,
"It's an Old American Custom, Keep Clean." WWII poster promoting good hygiene,
Poster used to remind American soldiers in Germany of the Nazi brutality in concentration
"While you are away" German propaganda leaflet dropped over American troops,
2015 "Daesh Employment Office"—an acronym for ISIL—leaflets dropped
[X-post /r/syriancivilwar] Coalition aircraft dropped this graphic on Shadaddi, Sarrin,
George H.W. Bush and Saddam Hussein - Amsterdam, 1991.
Russian soldier being sodomized by a Japanese soldier, drawn in the style of erotic
'Ticket to Armistice' - Japanese leaflet dropped on allied troops [WWII]
Fake Soviet porn movie poster [USA, 1979 - moderately NSFW]
"Sweet Kills", Thailand 2015 (xpost r/retouching)
No to a two class justice system - Switzerland [2016]
[WWI] French target practice poster "trou de balle." (Semi-NSFW) More in
"Fuck! Fuuck! Fuuuuck!" France, WWII
Mexican Anti-fascist poster (1942)
[NSFW] "Taxable income", the Netherlands, 1994.
Political posters in London [NSFW]
"Don't let them fuck you! Refuse military service" Netherlands (1972)
"This is the Enemy" - A Japanese solider carries off a woman, WWII-era.
South Korean "Comfort Women" Poster with Imperial Japan Flag imagery