Goodnites can take a beating!


User: ST_4_2

Categories: DudesInDiapers


Time for a change.
I love my blue onesie!
Just sitting here in a wet nappy with a 12 inch dildo in my bum ;)
Had my first experience with an ABDL party. Got changed and got to play with several
Everyone here is wearing Goodnites or ABU diapers and I'm just sitting here in my
Blue’s my color
Looks like I am going to have a fun tonight
Not sure how this sub likes crossdressing, but was feeling cute in my new nighty
Messed up my last post so here it is again!
Too hot for a onesie last night
Fresh, clean, and crinkly!
New diaper. What do you think? Normally wear rearz.
Spent my b day in a dip
Fully wet from overnight, this little needs a change
Anyone tried these? Would this combo work while wetting without them leaking?
Noooo Im a big boy, I just need my diapies too daddy?
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Padded undies count too right?
It's looking like rain today uwu
Fluffing diapers makes such a big difference
Time for a diaper check already? Okay...
I need more sleep.
I'm all soggy. Can someone help me change?
Now I see why everyone loves the megamaxes
Spooky Season
Got to show off the PeekABU's too!