Even Trump is scared of these people


User: throwaway0003X

Categories: Polistan


Crosspost from r/weather
Double Standards
/pol/ is always right. Always.
Admin gives reason for banning /niggers
Muh Privilege
Daily Reminder
/pol/ is right again!
/pol/ plans on trolling nany grace
Let's see whose behind kinect, the camera that's always on, can detect your pulse
Whites from the lowest economic bracket outscore blacks from the highest economic
No words...
/pol/'s ideal board game.
This is actually how fags think they'll be accepted into mainstream America as normal.
Can't stop justice
O'Mara 2016
This just went up on a stream of MSNBC
You must reamain steadfast in your resolve fellow countrymen.
Miss me yet?
You can't make this shit up
This Skolnik guy is one subversive yid-maggot
What a surprise, look who's the head of the "white privilege conference".
Meanwhile, at a University book store near you... (Alternate title: /pol/ was right
This is just too good
Israel spying on US citizens with NSA intel
In Honour of the Cowardly Political Correctness of the North Carolina GOP, Here's
Meanwhile, at a random university
/pol/ was right again
4Chan Sweden