Heart clogging ambrosia, keep stuffing it down your throat. Make your body expand. Slowly kill yourself.

User: cxwhat

Categories: DyingToBeFat


Her final resting place
Knockin' on deaths door
How many more donuts until she goes into a diabetic coma?
Hot daughter might die first
So young and so close to death
Her legs are slowly becoming enveloped by her own fat. And she won't realise until
I feel sorry for echo
Imminent death. She already can't move essentially
Which one will bite it first?
Keep up that diet! It'll be sure to lead you straight to an early grave :)
She'll still look as sexy as her body shakes from her imminent heart attack
Maybe she has kids? What would they think when they see her completely at the mercy
When her heart finally stops ;)
Last trip to the beach
Passed out in the gym
Not your time yet, too much left to eat!
Plateau of Lard
So Huge Her Foot Is Fat
Human Waterbed Too Fat to Get Up
Beautifully Bloated
She Was So Cute
Juliet Summers, before she indulged in her gluttony.