Formal's Tweet after ESWC Match against Millenium

User: YumYumBacon

Categories: CoDCompetitive


Well then BigT [NSFW]
Got bored during the Fire Alarm. Meet our cummunity manager for CoD Ghosts! NSFW
Optic roster change pic
OpTic is Love, OpTic is Life, the eGirls at Champs be like...
(NSFW) Scump is good at sex (confirmed)
No woman can resist the urge that is Money B.
MLG App Ad: I'll be using Adblocker now, sorry :( [NSFW]
When you are getting carried in a gb.
MRW Optic beat FazE at the COD Championships 3-0
Screencap of killfeed from 1080p stream, its almost if they blur the enemy teams
[Fluff] The first result you get on Google images when searching for "competitive
When you're whole team leaves and you still try to play the objective.
Hey Doug "Censor" Martin here and today I am going to Mexico and eating
After clutching a 1v4 and your hands are shaking...
[nsfw][meta][Faze][dank]Unreleased XXX official CoD_Stats census data collected from
I said that if FaZe, Denial and OG didn't all place top 6, I would send my friend
Pamaj and I praying to our Lord and savior David Vonderhaar
[nsfw] dunno if I can post this here but. Doug Censor Martin's girl has a leak
Saints has a pick 12?
Doug 'Censor' Martin - The most winningest player in eSports
History repeats itself.