[spoiler]Thank you captain ultron, for all the things you did, we will miss you


User: santiagob95

Categories: LegendsOfTomorrow


[S01E01] The face of a pure fan boy
[S01E02] Apparently designed by Acme
Fitting Tribute - SLIGHT Spoiler s1 ep02-03
[Spoiler] Shorts Fired.
[Spoiler]Leaked promotional image for next week's episode
What I was thinking during last episode's ending
Admit it, you shed a tear
[Spoilers] Chronos Identity Revealed!
[Arrow Spoilers] Warning Legends, you could be the next one...
[S2E8] You can see the water from the syringe shoot out behind Jax's neck in this
[E11 Spoilers] Obligatory meme
[Spoiler][S01E13] Surely Nothing Can Go Wrong.
MRW I watched this episode
[SPOILER] Sara next episode
[Spoiler] Leonard Snart, Robber of HEARTS.
[1x15 Spoilers] Baddest Bro of All Time
[Potential 1x16 Spoilers] Leaked script page from final scene.
[S1 Finale Spoilers] Confused Rip Hunter!!!
[S1 Finale Spoilers]Not gonna lie, I expected this guy to show up
[Minor Spoilers] WTF Am I doing? by Kendra Saunders.
Flash spoilers: My hope for the crossover CW JSA.
[Full-Season Spoilers] After finishing this season I realized that the scene I was
[S2 Spoilers] First look at (almost) full JSA team
It's Always Sunny in the Waverider
Merlyn's new reaction meme
Anyone Know of This 1969 Classic?
When you both pick the same character in a fighting game