[Spoilers everything] Tommen in this episode (NSFW for spoilers)

User: yaitskov

Categories: asoiaf


(Spoilers All) I drew you a picture to cheer you up after tonights episode, and remind
(Spoilers All) Screenshots from the last scene of S4E4
(Spoilers All) Photo of one of the Others from S04E04 (nsfw to block thumbnail)
(Spoilers All) Alayne has arrived
(Spoilers AFFC)While Pedro Pascal was fantastic last night, he did get some help
(Spoilers All) Sand Snakes spotted in Seville
New Picture from set of Season 5 (Spoilers All)
(Spoilers All) More new pictures from season 5 filming that seem to prove which direction
Updated Targaryen family tree with the information from WOIAF ( Spoilers All)
(Spoilers all) quick first look at Jon Snow, Cersei, Arya and Tyrion for season 5
(Spoilers All) Album of images of how I think Hardhome will go down chronologically
(Spoilers All) Looks like one of our favorite Barristan moments will make the show,
(Spoilers All) Can you spot the foreshadowing in S01E05?
(Spoilers All) A man's face can change
NSFW (spoilers all) Any significance in the brooch/clasp he is wearing?
(Spoilers All) Winter = Apocalypse confirmed
(Spoilers All) Did we really need this extra bit of foreshadowing?
(Spoilers All) A few examples why it would be a losing battle to skip Season 6 if
(Spoilers All) Check out those bloodshot baby blues.
(No Spoilers) New S6 Promotional Image - Showlyrian Steel
(SPOILERS ALL) Any resemblance here?
(Spoilers Everything) A certain murderer is revealed
(Spoilers Everything) For the final time, he's not in the trailer!
Arya's second stalker (Spoilers Everything)
(Spoilers Everything) Brother Ray's 7 colors in the rainbow
(spoilers everything) i was re-watching and thought it remarkable how alike daenerys