1.5 years HRT, down 60 pounds and counting (SW: 250lbs CW: 190lbs)

User: [deleted]

Categories: transpassing


Improved one year before/afters!
The last photo of myself before FFS and Breast Augmentation! (Spelling)
After the amazing response last week, I'd thought I'd treat you all to another :3
165 days HRT. How do you think my body is developing so far? NSFW (sports bra)
Do you think my body pass? 8 months HRT
TERFs think that I don't pass. What do we? (Caution, nudity!)
Boobs at last! So excited. :)
MtF Trans/20/5'5/164lbs I get really really self conscious about my body that it
Yes? No? (loads of makeup pre HRT)
Bought a swimsuit in anticipation of summer. Tested without makeup to simulate conditions
[NSFW I guess?] Does my body pass after about a year on hrt?
Anywhere close to passing yet? ?
hows my body doing? :X / MTF 18/ 1YEAR 1MO HORMONES 3.5 YRS SPIRO
Just about 6 months hrt
Is my body passing? (nsfw)
Got this cool shirt that fits with my yellow chekered pants! Wdy think? ?
22 MTF, 6 months HRT - freshly showered with no makeup, how am I doing?
3 months HRT no makeup/no shave for 24h
felt good this morning, what do y'all think (21, 2.5yrs hrt)
(NSFW) Mtf, 13 months hrt. Fantastic breast development! What do you think?
Last Day of Summer! How is my body?
Really loving my body lately. How do I look in terms of passing? [NSFW]