Scrotal Degloving



Categories: degloving, castration


The ulnar artery and tendons of the hand. How amazing are we humans? (xpost r/WTF)
Can a face be degloved?
Don't wear flip flops on a motorcycle.
Leg Degloving
Finger Degloving
He took a picture of his own degloving...
Large Leg Degloving Injury
Hand degloving with skin below
Large leg degloving injury
Large leg degloving injury
Finger degloving
Leg degloving injury
Major leg degloving
Facial degloving
Leg Degloving
Swimming Cap
Severe degloving injury to the forearm with avulsion.
r/degloving new cover photo?
Firefighter degloved by wedding ring
Bike accident [r/medicalgore]
Entire leg degloved