Apparently emojis are an oppressive tool of the patriarchy

User: coupdetaco

Categories: sjwhate


/b/tard has an idea
Free bleeding rock band that don't need no man
safe spaces vs safe spaces
Lena Dunham illustrates every SJW's problem in an ironically sublime sentence in
Those poor bystanders
How to:Tumblr
Nobody's stopping you from going to Liberia or Nigeria or Zimbabwe
Isn't it?
Disabled veterans are the new target of SJW attacks after the SJW campaign against
Found a Feminist playlist on Spotify today... I fixed it.
Disabled veterans are new target of SJW's following SJW campaign against remembrance
After every terrorist attack
The Patriarchy strikes again: female ghostbusters earn 77 cents on the dollar as
Just read this fantastic book about what the world would be like if SJW's were in
Just any other day at the beach ... right
Every day we stray further from God's light
Subliminal hashtag.
"just as horrific as rape"
What's Your Opinion On The Whole Count Dankula Situation?
These fuckin' animals...
So Progressive
And these are the people who are perpetually offended. Hmmmm!?
Masculine Vaginas and Feminine Penises